
What’s Unlocodle?

The biggest difference between Unlocodle and the classic wordle is what you need to guess. Instead of the usual five-letter words, Unlocodle requires you to guess UN/LOCODE codes, a special system that the United Nations developed to uniquely identify points of interest worldwide for transportation.

These codes are five letters long. The first two signify the country using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes, while the last three represent a unique location in that country. For example, if you want to guess New York City, you need to put in “USNYC.”

How To Play Unlocodle Game

The core gameplay is similar to the classic Wordle game. You make guesses, and the characters in your guesses change color based on how right you are. If you manage to guess the correct answer using less than six tries, you have won the game.

The color-changing mechanic isn’t different from what you have familiarized yourself with. Green means that the letter is correct and in the right spot, while yellow signifies that the letter is in the wrong spot. If your letter is grayed out, it doesn’t appear in the correct guess.

Tips To Play Unlocodle

The biggest tip regarding Unlocodle is to start with strategic guesses using the first two letters. They always represent countries, so utilize your knowledge of major cities alongside their corresponding countries to make some educated guesses.

You should also fully utilize the three symbols at the end of the guess. While you can’t change them, you can use them to narrow down the possible choices. They will tell you if the location you are guessing supports planes, boats, or trucks. Knowing this vital information cuts down on guesswork significantly.

You should always keep track of the letters that you have used. If a letter turns gray once, never use it again, or you will waste valuable spots.

All in all, the Unlocodle game offers a unique take on the classic word-guessing puzzle gameplay. Its players get to challenge a lesser-known niche and build up a new type of vocabulary. Don’t underestimate this kind of knowledge; you never know when the next time you will need to use it will be.

Of course, the game also provides a new layer of strategic depth with the three symbols, further enriching the minds of its players.

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