Before diving more deeply into Decordle, we must admit that it is only meant for puzzle game lovers who have acquired excellent logical thinking and strategic minds. This word-guessing title resembles the gameplay and theme of the famous Wordle game. However, Decordle provides players with puzzles in the hardcore levels that are not as easy as Wordle.
In the original Wordle game, players must exactly spot one hidden five-letter English word. Meanwhile, the Decordle game applies a 16-time harder level to the game. By that, we mean it will require players to figure out 16 hidden words to win the game.
Although the number of allowed guesses for the Decordle game is increased to 21, compared to 6 in the Wordle game, players sometimes find it impossible to figure out all the secret words in the game. The mission is overwhelming even with professional puzzle games, but it will be an exciting milestone for people seeking adventure.
There are 16 grids in the Decordle game for you to fill English words in. However, you don't have to waste time deciding which grid to start with because once you make a word guess, it will be applied to all the grid.
You can type the possible word in the grid and press Enter to deliver the answer. After you finish a word guess, the game will give you feedback or hints.
We have one small tip for you. Don't try to complete the grid one by one. Only focus on the grid with the most colored hints and finish it first. Letting yourself be stuck in a single grid and wasting guesses for other less potential grids is a surefire recipe for a loss.
The clues in the Decordle game will be familiar to players who have tried the Wordle game before. Three color hints indicate separate meanings:
there are many other games developed under Wordle, let's try them out